I’m sure you’ve seen or heard about the August jobs report by now. It wasn’t good. To have the media tell it, no one added jobs in August. Zero jobs added.
I understand this is a combination of data and the way the math works out, there was zero change. Now I’m not the worlds best at math but I’d like to ask for someone to show their work. I see jobs posted, new jobs, every single day on LinkedIn. Monster has no shortage of job alerts in the HR market to send me, nor does Career Builder.
Personally speaking, the company I work for added five new positions in August. We’ve grown approximately 20% since April. We’ve added new positions in Georgia, Alabama, New York, California, South Carolina, and Texas. My company is growing. Five new positions might not seem like much to you, 20% might seem small to you but it’s a big deal for us. What’s my turnover like you ask? For August, 0%, overall for the year 8.5%.
Did I mention I work for a bank?
I want to hear some good news coming out of the job market. How’s your company doing? Have you added new positions? What’s the growth in your company look like?