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November 13, 2008


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Sharon Lovoy

Dear Alan, You are a good man for keeping your commitment. I am honored to be your friend and colleague. My prayers are with you and your family.

Patti Steelman


If you are deployed, hopefully our country's new Commander and Chief will get you home soon!

Take care of yourself,
Patti Steelman

Kim Bailey

Good luck and godspeed! We are proud of our soldiers and hope you return home soon knowing you've made your country proud.

Gerriann Fagan

Alan -- I wish you great success on your deployment and thank you for serving our country. Please send Angela and your baby my thougths and regards as well. You, your comrades and your family are in my thougths and prayers. Gerriann

Charles Wilkinson, SPHR

Alan: You will carry with you to Iraq the admiration and thanks of all who call you friend and leader, our hope and faith in a successful mission, and our earnest prayers for your speedy and safe return. We are proud that you represent our chapter, our state, our profession and our country. May we never forget the price of our way of life, nor the personal sacrifice of our friends like you. May God continue to bless you, your family, your comrades, and our great Nation. Charles

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